Abbey Ojomu, also known as Ojomu Abiodun Wosilat, introduces her latest single, “Dry Bones,” a song that resonates with hope, faith, and restoration. As an accomplished artist, convener of the Glory of God Conference, and founder of QAVAH, Abbey Ojomu infuses her music with purpose and dedicated devotion.
Abbey’s life-transforming walk with God began in Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos. Born into a Muslim family, her encounter with the divine call in 2010 ignited a transformation.
Abbey’s mandate is clear: to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. She aims to touch hearts and souls.
Her new single “Dry Bones” is a praise offering to the Maker. Abbey Ojomu’s soul-stirring vocals, accompanied by a celestial choir, create an atmosphere that transcends earthly boundaries. Inspired by Ezekiel 37:1-10, the song breathes life into weary hearts, reminding us that restoration is possible even in the most desolate moments.
Through “Dry Bones,” Abbey Ojomu seeks to kindle hearts with faith, issuing a resounding call to embrace faith and restoration through the transformative power of Christ.